Friday, August 14, 2009


older blog, which I never posted... eek :)

Both Kenneth and I have been looking at different homes to begin our life together. We have worked with a Realtor who has been kind to us, or so we thought. His burning desire to sell blinded and steered us away from our real needs. However, been the cool and smart couple that we are (you know you agree), we were able to identify the pressure tactics our agent was utilizing towards us. After a few months of second guessing ourselves by making home offers, which a few hours later we would regret (“first time buyers remorse” as our agent would identify), and occasional arguments between the husband and I we decided to reconsider our position. We opted to step away from the search until we reach 100% certitude. We have decided not to let an $8,000 tax credit lead us into a 30 year impulsive decision we can’t afford. But above all, we will not allow a short, baldheaded, pushy realtor deliver and feed us into a huge mistake. The money we saved for the down payment will be used towards an adventure. We have decided not to renew the lease on our current apartment. We both are leaving our generous paychecks and packing our traveling shoes and passports, we are heading to Oaxaca, Mexico for six months. We will live in Oaxaca while I teach and write, Ken in the meantime will learn the language and submerge into a new culture. We are nervous and somewhat scared but excitement suppresses any negative emotions. We will be living in a two story, four bedroom, two bathroom house, which has been uninhabited for quite a while. The house will be the place we call home for the next 6 months and we are thrilled by the new adventure. Our departure date will be September 5th, 09. Wish us luck in our new adventure! Peace, The Sanchez-Best’s

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